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Film - Video Series - Show

Jorgelina Zeoli's Bio


She was born in New York to Argentinean parents. The family returned to their country of origin when she was two years old. In 1979, she came back to the United States with a scholarship to study organ at the New England Conservatory of Music. A former concert organist and singer, she specialized in the development of church music programs.


A survivor of military violence, childhood trauma,clergy sexual abuse and more, in 2005 Jorgelina began making public her healing journey through her inspirational memoirs, music, films and video series under the umbrella "Dawn of the Broken Heart." Her work integrates creativity, spirituality and psychological insights from over two decades in therapy. Her style portrays the fragmentation/integration of the traumatized mind, weaving poetry, prose, art, humor, therapy sessions, her life story, the magical world of her inner child and channeled conversations with God. Later writings depart from trauma transitioning from grief to soul evolution.


She is a recipient of a Mass Cultural Council grant and her books are in the Schlesinger Library that illuminates the lives of American women past and present. (Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University.)

She is a holistic life coach, empathic listener and spiritual counselor. She channels intuitive messages and is a Rockport resident in Massachusetts.

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